In M.Y.O.B. Hadleigh is one of a select group of the population asked to fill out a new test census form. He is incensed at the level of information that the government is asking for and makes it plain in no uncertain terms.
The episode is something of a distaff to The Day of the Miuras, also written by Raymond Bowers and featuring Hadleigh’s three friends from that episode, Frank Forbitt, Charles Peters and Sir John Beckley staying with Hadleigh. Again it touches on the subject of getting money out of Britain (the UK was under heavy exchange control at the time and you were not allowed to take large sums of money out of the country), this time it’s not business but charity. The quartet want to help an African country whose children are starving.
The unlikely finance officer George Wenner from that episode is also back. Only this time he’s involved in the census.
It’s another episode that didn’t do too much for us. Far too much screen time given over to the genuinely annoying Wenner. Good to see a young Rudolph Walker in the supporting cast as well as John Barron.
The title is of course an acronym for Mind Your Own Business.
This episode was filmed in colour although it’s highly likely that very few people at the time saw it that way.
production details
UK / ITV – Yorkshire / 1×50 minute episode / Broadcast 25 November 1969
Writer: Raymond Bowers / Production Design: Alan Pickford / Director: Brian Parker
Series: Hadleigh Season 1 Episode 11
Gerald Harper as James Hadleigh
Neil McCallum as George Wenner
Geoffrey Sumner as Sir John Beckley
Alan Tucker as Frank Forbitt
Bernard Horsfall as Charles Peters
John Barron as Minister
Rudolph Walker as Smitty
Roger Brierley as Billy Hedford
Maggie Flint as Mrs G.