The Main Chance: Settlement Day (ITV 30 Nov 1970)

In Settlement Day there is trouble for all the solicitors of Castleton and Main. Susan Crawford, a friend of Henry’s comes to the firm in serious trouble having killed her husband and a pedestrian in a car accident whilst under the influence of alcohol.

David thinks a guilty plea with mitigating circumstances is the only option everybody is not so sure. A double up on another case means David is not able to give the case the time it needs and is not in court when the case is heard. A very poor performance from a junior council sees Susan sentenced to a year in prison and a potentially massive bill for damages from the family of the pedestrian.

Margaret had previously saved Susan’s husband from bankruptcy and he had given her some valuable shares as a thank you but it is these shares (which could help pay off some of any damages claim) that threaten to spell ruin for Castleton and Main. A close friend of Susan’s launches a bid to get the shares returned claiming that Margaret broke the rules in accepting them in the first place.

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Meanwhile Peter Findon is in deep trouble after taking money out of his wife’s investment account (looked after by Main) to pay off another debt. The situation is compounded because his wife is planning to withdraw the money to start her own business. It is suchg a serious faux pa on Findon’s part that it looks like David may have no option but to sack him.

production details
UK / ITV – Yorkshire / 1×50 minute episode / Broadcast Monday 30 November 1970 at 8.30pm

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Writer: John Malcolm / Production Design: Tom Carter / Director: Christopher Hodson

Series: The Main Chance Season 2 Episode 12

John Stride as David Main
John Wentworth as Henry Castleton
Margaret Ashcroft as Margaret Castleton
Anna Palk as Sarah Courtney
Philip Bond as Peter Findon
James Copeland as Johnny Stewart
Faith Brook as Susan Crawford
Hildegard Neil as Ursula Findon
Ralph Truman as Reginald Crowther
Walter Gotell as Raymond Berry
Gareth Forwood as Julian Webb
Peter Williams as Judge

Alastair James is the editor in chief for Memorable TV. He has been involved in media since his university days. Alastair is passionate about television, and some of his favourite shows include Line of Duty, Luther and Traitors. He is always on the lookout for hot new shows, and is always keen to share his knowledge with others.