The Main Chance: Survival (ITV 16 May 1975)

In Survival David Main is now on the open market looking for new opportunities for money making. He has a couple of options, one from the shady Paul Miller (played by Australian star of Skippy Ed Devereaux) who is not actually a solicitor but offers to help people with organising the paperwork when they are buying a house and suchlike – not strictly illegal but definitely borderline morally, he also seems to like hanging on to his clients money for a little too long.

The second offer holds more intrigue for Main, criminal gone straight as a developer Harry Kenton has stupidly committed another crime which he will definitely get a prison sentence for – he wants David to take over the running of his business affairs whilst he is inside. Meanwhile Kenton’s right hand man Jacobson want’s the job and is prepared to resort to violence to make sure Main turns it down.

Main knows that both jobs could offer up big rewards but realistically he knows he needs to be his own man.

There is a good side plot that ties in nicely with Margaret and her legal aid work – a young couple are using Miller to handle the legal stuff for the house they are hoping to buying, he has been hanging to their £3,000 deposit for some months. This dodgy dealing makes Main’s mind up about Miller and also allows him to come up with to get Barrett his money back.

production details
UK / ITV – Yorkshire / 1×50 minute episode / Broadcast Friday 16 May 1975 at 9.00pm

Writer: John Batt / Production Design: Howard Dawson / Director: Cyril Coke

Series: The Main Chance Season 4 Episode 5

John Stride as David Main
Glynn Edwards as Walter Clegg
Margaret Ashcroft as Margaret Castleton
John Wentworth as Henry Castleton
Sharon Mughan as Inge Lindstrom
George Sewell as Harry Kenton
David Daker as Jacobson
Ed Devereaux as Paul Miller
Geoffrey Chater as Peter Redman
John Stratton as Edward Pendlebury
Andrew Bradford as Terry Barrett
William Fox as High Court Judge

Alastair James is the editor in chief for Memorable TV. He has been involved in media since his university days. Alastair is passionate about television, and some of his favourite shows include Line of Duty, Luther and Traitors. He is always on the lookout for hot new shows, and is always keen to share his knowledge with others.