Public Eye: How About It, Frank? (ITV 1975 with Mary Tamm)

In How About It, Frank? Marker is asked by fellow private detective Ron Gash to investigate the character of Brian Hart, a businessman who is up for a high profile job. Meanwhile Chief Inspector Tyson is on Frank’s back because he wants him to give evidence in the horse doping case – Frank though is having none of it.

Frank is coming out of his depression somewhat in this third episode, Percy has moved on and in his place comes the fabulous Ray McAnally as the none too friendly Tyson. There are guest appearances from John Hallam and Mary Tamm.

Frank also goes on the trail of Tarrant when he spots him in a pub. Marker tells Ray Martins who was the man on remand on the case that got Marker duffed up. The pair confront Tarrant, who can’t even remember Marker. Martins tells Tarrant that he wants the money from Tarrants boss that he is owed. Tarrant agrees but what they don’t know is that Tyson is watching them and will use the money change over as a demanding money with menaces charge if Frank doesn’t co-operate on helping bring Tarrant’s boss to justice. Frank though will still have none of it and it is Ron Gash who actually comes to the rescue.

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production details
UK / ITV – Thames / 1×60 minute episode / Broadcast Monday 20 January 1975 at 9.00pm

Writer: James Doran / Production Design: David Ferris / Producer: Michael Chapman / Director: Bill Bain

Series: Public Eye Season 7 Episode 3

Alfred Burker as Frank Marker
Peter Childs as Ron Gash
Ray McAnally as Chief Inspector Tyson
John Gregg a Detective Sergeant Kane
Stewart Bevan as Joe Martins
John Hallam as Brian Hart
Mary Tamm as Jenny
John Gleeson as Watson
John Golightly as Hill
Maggie Smith as Ruby
Pam Scotcher as Karen
Robert Russell as Tarrant

Alastair James is the editor in chief for Memorable TV. He has been involved in media since his university days. Alastair is passionate about television, and some of his favourite shows include Line of Duty, Luther and Traitors. He is always on the lookout for hot new shows, and is always keen to share his knowledge with others.