Weekender is back on ITV2 on Tuesday nights, this time the gang are in Kavos. Head rep David Potts spills the beans about what we can expect from the new season.
Can you introduce yourself?
I’m David, I’m the head rep on the show – I have been for years. Obviously. No one else is going to be able to do it like I do it. I’m fun, outgoing, a bit sassy… I’m ready for a good party.
Why do you love being a rep?
It’s just right up my street. Especially the fact I’m head rep, because I get to boss them about a bit, which I kind of love… The going out, the partying, the meeting new people, the entertaining (because I’m not shy of putting on a little bit of a performance for guests). It’s just a bit of me.
What’s your management style as head rep?
Fun, but firm. I let them know they’ve got to listen but I bring a fun edge to it. I’m not a boring boss. A bit sassy, sarcastic and realistic. It can be a bit complicated if I’m really close to them. I could be laughing, but I know I need to be serious.
What makes a good rep?
Someone who is out going, definitely, you’ve got to be up for a laugh! Not necessarily to embarrass yourself, but not bothered about making fun of yourself, being silly, being daft.
How was your summer in Kavos?
It was absolutely BOILING! Let’s just start with that. It was unreal to go somewhere new. It was going to be a new experience, a new destination so different clubs, different activities. Different food. The Greek food was good. I love a bit of feta, me.
This time around, things didn’t go to plan for me… but you’ll have to watch and find out. I hate to be the centre of attention…but here I am.
Memorable moments?
So many amazing nights out. The activities. But I think it was being back with Tash, for me. Me and Tash are really good friends. We met on the strip, we were walking down the strip, we were vibing! We got to the hotel, we were dancing, we popped open a bottle of prosecco! We were jumping in the pool. It was fun doing it with Tash again.
As head rep, how do you keep your sparkle every day?
For me it comes quite naturally. I’m a very positive person and I’m always ready to rumble. I have to project that on to the other reps. It is tiring! Maybe there’s been a bit of drama, so I get a bit of David dust and sprinkle it on them! At the end of the day, we are here to do a job. You’ve got to be on it!
Did your team find romances?
There was romance. More than one. But did it go to plan? Did it not? You’ll have to wait and find out! I’ve never had a romance while repping, but I’ve seen ALOT of them! It can sometimes be a recipe for disaster. We’re getting stunning guests, we’re in a hot destination, people are drinking, people get hot under the collar. It can get a bit dramatic sometimes but who doesn’t love the drama? Because I do.
Why should viewers watch Kavos Weekender?
It’s one of those shows that everyone loves to watch because it’s fun, it lifts people’s mood, it’s not volatile. It’s young people, going out partying. The drama! It just gets everyone in a good mood. I get so many messages asking for it to come back! Expect the expected.
Can you say something in Greek?
Erm. (David pauses, his hands in head, and consults his phone). To afentikó. The Boss.
Kavos Weekender airs Tuesday nights at 9.00pm on ITV2.