Why do you think the first series on Sandylands was such a hit?
The first series began just as the world started to shut down. The idea of nostalgia and seaside fun sounds so simple, but it’s a lovely show filled with warmth and exactly what people needed. I couldn’t think of anything better to bookend the pandemic.
Why else did it chime with viewers?
The relationships are wonderful. You see so much more of them in season two. It’s joyous to spend time with these characters. It’s a slightly mad world, but full of love.
Where is Emily at now?
A lot’s going on for our Emily. For a start, we have the introduction of her mum Donna, which is hugely exciting. After hearing just the first few lines from Donna, I knew it was the perfect plot development.
Do Emily and Donna get on?
Their relationship is tricky, her mother is fabulous, when she walks into a room, you know the party is just getting started but she has not always been there for Emily. She’s her mother so it’s very hard not to love her but ultimately Emily is never really sure if Donna has her best interest at heart, she keeps hoping she does.
How does Emily react when sparks start to fly between Les and Donna again?
It’s like a car crash that you can’t take your eyes off. For Emily, the two of them together is awful and disgusting, and at the same time she wants it to work. They have such great chemistry. You can instantly see why they got together. It’s like that classic U2 song, “With or Without You.”
Was it fun doing scenes with Tracy-Ann Oberman?
Was it fun doing scenes with Tracy-Ann Oberman? Absolutely. She is fantastic. She is a wonderful actress, who gets everything very quickly. She is so open as a performer, and our scenes together sung immediately.
You also have a great working relationship with Sanjeev, don’t you?
Definitely. He is one of the kindest men in showbiz. With him, you always feel safe. I love working with him.
How else is Emily developing in this series?
She becomes more independent. She’s definitely the middleman between her parents. She is having to navigate her own feelings about them, as well as watch the carnage they create. She wants to be a child, but she never gets that opportunity because her parents are the real children. They’re brilliant together but remain very childish.
What other things are happening to Emily this year?
She’s spinning plates the whole time. How she gets any sleep is beyond me! She hasn’t had a solid eight hours in about eight years. But part of her enjoys that role
How is her burgeoning relationship with Nathan going?
My God, Nathan is such a dreamboat! Emily is starting to acknowledge that he is becoming more to her than she thought. Part of her would love to give it a go and have a lovely date with him. But because of everything else, it’s very difficult for her to prioritise Nathan. She has little moments where she can imagine their relationship developing into something more, but those moments are so fleeting because of all the other things going on. But I’d still love to see them together in Bella Italia for a couple of hours!
How does Emily feel about Sandylands now?
She says she doesn’t think of it as home, but something keeps pulling her back. It’s a sense of belonging. Everybody in Sandylands is so unique. But at the same time everyone fits in there because in that town you’re allowed to be anything you want.
Did you relish being back in Weston-super-Mare?
Definitely. Everybody is so welcoming. You get a wonderful vibe there. There is something about filming there that makes you feel 16 again. Every time you are there, it feels like your GCSE summer. Every day in Weston-super-Mare feels like someone’s birthday.
Can you put into words what it was like returning to work with this cast?
Coming back to this set was like coming home. We had such a giggle. There is something so brilliant about being with your pals and laughing all the time. After the terrible year everyone’s had, I couldn’t have felt happier coming back to these people. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world.
Would you be keen on a third series of Sandylands?
Absolutely! I’m scared to dream about it, but I really hope it happens, although obviously, it should be set in Spain!