The Masked Singer: Interview – Joel Dommett Spills the Beans

The Masked Singer is back on ITV1 on Saturday Nights and host Joel Dommett spills the beans on who is the naughtiest on the panel and having a duo on the show for the first time.

What’s it like being back with the gang?
I missed them all, honestly. It’s such a fun show to do, and honestly, I feel so privileged to be a part of it. I feel like everyone feels that way. From the costume designers, to the panel, to me, to the camera operators, producers; I feel like everyone, on this show, loves their job. There’s something about it that everyone loves being a part of, like costume designers, they get to let their imaginations go absolutely wild. When I write a link to things, it’s so fun to write for. It’s so silly, and the panellists are having a great time. The cameramen, they’re playing the game. So, they’re all guessing, at the same time. So, I think, it’s more fun than your usual job.

Are there any new elements this year?
Yeah, we’ve got some theme weeks, which were some of my most favourite shows, just because it makes it easier to write funny links, because you’ve got a theme. It’s a good place to start from, makes it more ridiculous! But yeah, it’s just the same as usual, but a step further. I think that’s what we seem to be doing each time; we’re making it more ridiculous, more fun. And, of course, you’ve got different reveals, so every season is going to feel different.

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The show has it’s first duo this series too, right?
Yeah, Cat and Mouse! They are great. Weirdly, you would’ve thought, because there’s two of them, it’d be easier to guess, but it’s harder, I think. It’s really difficult, because there are two of them, you can’t hear the voice as much. So, it’s very interesting.

Who’s been the naughtiest on the panel this year?
Oh, Rita has been so funny this year. She’s always, kind of weirdly the naughtiest, because I don’t think she really understands. She has no filter at all. That’s what we love about her.

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She seems to have a cheeky friendship with Jonathan!
Yeah, I do like that their friendship has blossomed. I think it’s wonderful. The way they work together is really nice. And also, you can really see that Rita helps Jonathan, and Jonathan helps Rita. Every now and again, he’ll look at his book, and he’ll point at this other name that he’s written down. And she’ll go, “Yeah!” I like that whole thing; the dynamic of the panel is so lovely.

Is everyone giving Jonathan a run for his money in the style stakes?
It’s great. We’ve got some amazing costumes, some amazing outfits this series, because we have some themed shows. We have a show which is all about different decades and people really go for it. Jonathan, especially, it’s lovely to see him finally dressing like he’s always, clearly, wanted to.

The Masked Singer airs Saturday nights at 6.30pm on ITV.

Alastair James is the editor in chief for Memorable TV. He has been involved in media since his university days. Alastair is passionate about television, and some of his favourite shows include Line of Duty, Luther and Traitors. He is always on the lookout for hot new shows, and is always keen to share his knowledge with others.