It appears the writers of 9-1-1: Lone Star have decided to go big—or should I say, astronomically big—for their series finale. “Homecoming,” airing Monday, February 3, finds the 126 dealing with the fallout from a literal asteroid strike in Austin. Because when you think Texas, you think space rocks, right?
It’s a curious choice to wrap up five seasons of occasionally grounded (and occasionally ludicrous) emergencies with something so utterly apocalyptic. One has to wonder if this was the plan all along, or if someone just got really bored in the writers’ room. Regardless, Owen Strand and his team will have their work cut out for them. We can only assume there will be fires, collapsed buildings, and maybe a stray alien or two.
The episode synopsis hints at an even bigger problem emerging in the aftermath of the asteroid impact, which, frankly, seems a bit much. As if a giant space rock wasn’t enough, now there’s a second disaster to contend with? It makes you wonder if this series finale might actually be a backdoor pilot for a 9-1-1: Deep Impact spin-off.
Along with the regular cast (Rob Lowe, Gina Torres, Ronen Rubinstein, Jim Parrack), “Homecoming” also features guest stars Derek Webster and Miles McKenna. Whether they’ll be playing plucky survivors or nefarious government agents exploiting the chaos remains to be seen.
Tune in Monday, February 3 at 8:00 PM ET/PT on FOX to witness the fiery, chaotic conclusion of 9-1-1: Lone Star. It’s hard to imagine how they’ll wrap everything up in a satisfying way, but hey, stranger things have happened. Like, you know, asteroids hitting Texas.