PBS presents a fascinating new documentary series, A Brief History of the Future, hosted by futurist Ari Wallach. The episode airing on Wednesday April 3 takes viewers on a journey to explore the possibilities of tomorrow.
This inaugural episode, titled ‘Beyond the Now‘, marks the beginning of a thought-provoking series that encourages viewers to envision a brighter future. Wallach seeks out individuals who are dedicated to shaping a better world for generations to come. With each episode focusing on a distinct theme, this series promises to expand minds and encourage meaningful discussions.
The opener promises a glimpse into the inspiring work of individuals striving for positive change. From innovative solutions to global challenges like climate change to interviews with influential figures, the episode aims to ignite hope and encourage proactive thinking.
The series boasts an impressive line-up of interviewees, including French President Emmanuel Macron, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, and musician Grimes. Each brings their unique perspectives on shaping the future, adding layers to the discussion.
With a focus on offering an optimistic vision for the days ahead, the episode challenges viewers to embrace a mindset that values long-term thinking and collective action. It encourages us to reflect on our responsibilities to the world and the potential for a brighter tomorrow.
A Brief History of the Future premieres Wednesday, April 3, 2024, at 9 p.m. on PBS.