Tonight, ABC presents a quiz night triple bill, featuring the captivating game shows Press Your Luck and Lucky 13. In “The Hot and Holy Episode” of Press Your Luck, host Elizabeth Banks guides contestants on their quest to outwit the notorious WHAMMY and secure substantial cash prizes. The episode sees participants step up to the board, strategically working through the game and aiming for the bonus round.
Following this, Lucky 13 presents a double bill with back-to-back episodes, “Playing to Win” and “High Stakes.” Contestants from diverse backgrounds, including Las Vegas, Queens, West Babylon, and Los Angeles, take on the challenge of 13 true-or-false questions with a twist. They must predict how successfully they’ve answered as they aim for the $1 million jackpot.
ABC’s quiz night triple bill includes Press Your Luck: The Hot and Holy Episode and Lucky 13: Playing to Win and High Stakes, airing Thursday, September 19, 2024, starting at 8.00 pm.