On Monday, June 10, 2024, NBC presents a brand new installment of its daytime talk show, “Access Daily With Mario & Kit.” In this episode, the hosts, Mario and Kit, will be joined by a variety of guests, including actress Melanie Liburd, talking about her role in the new movie “Bad Boys: Ride or Die,” and singer-songwriter Jasmine Cephas Jones, who will discuss her latest album, “Phoenix.”
The episode will also feature a culinary segment with celebrity chef Bobby Flay, who will prepare a delicious recipe for the audience. In addition, the show will offer television and movie recommendations for viewers seeking their next binge-worthy watch.
Plus, the episode will include a fun and adorable segment dedicated to a pet pageant, where cute furry friends will strut their stuff and showcase their unique talents.
Access Daily With Mario & Kit: New airs Monday, June 10, 2024, at 2:00 PM on NBC.