Acorn TV has announced the development of Art Detectives, a new crime drama featuring Stephen Moyer, who also serves as an executive producer. The series centers on the Heritage Crime Unit, led by Detective Inspector Mick Palmer (Moyer) and Detective Constable Shazia Malik (Nina Singh). The two detectives solve art-related murders, dealing with a world filled with valuable artifacts and antiques, from Old Master paintings to Banksy street art.
Throughout the series, Palmer and Malik tackle cases involving priceless objects such as a fake Vermeer, Viking gold, and items salvaged from the Titanic.
The series looks into the motives behind crimes fueled by greed, obsession, and revenge, while Palmer manages a budding romance with museum curator Rosa (Sarah Alexander) and deals with the sudden reappearance of his father Ron (Larry Lamb), a notorious forger.
Filmed entirely in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Art Detectives is set to debut in 2025. The show is produced by Black Dog Television, Acorn Media Enterprises, Dynamic Television, and Northern Ireland Screen.
The executive production team includes Moyer, Dan Gaster, Will Ing, Paul Powell, Catherine Mackin, Bea Tammer, Daniel March, and Klaus Zimmermann. Candida Julian-Jones serves as producer.