Actor Adam J. Harrington has confirmed his exit from the long-running soap opera, General Hospital, via a series of emotional social media posts. This announcement comes after the dramatic conclusion of a recent episode, which left viewers speculating about the fate of Harrington’s character, John Cates.
In the episode broadcast on Friday, August 30th, John Cates was shot twice by mobster Sonny Corinthos, portrayed by Maurice Benard. This intense scene left viewers eagerly awaiting updates on the character’s condition.
Harrington, who joined the cast of General Hospital earlier this year, took to social media on Sunday night, September 1st, to address the speculation. He confirmed that his character’s journey had come to an end, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of the show.
“Well, @GeneralHospital, it was a blast, literally!” Harrington wrote on X, thanking the show’s producers, writers, and the distinguished Frank Valentini. He also commended the cast and crew, saying, “It was an honour to witness the calibre of your work. I will miss you all.”
In a follow-up post, Harrington expressed his gratitude to the fans, recognising their dedication to the show. “To the @GeneralHospital viewers and fans, it’s been an honour being in your world,” he wrote. He further thanked those who had sent farewell messages, expressing his deep appreciation for their kind words.
Harrington’s departure from General Hospital concludes his portrayal of John Cates, a role he assumed in February. The character was previously played by Antonio Sabato Jr. from 1992 to 1995.
General Hospital airs weekdays at 2:00 PM on ABC.