The upcoming Peacock thriller series All Her Fault, led by Sarah Snook, has announced further cast members, including Duke McCloud, Daniel Monks, and Kartiah Vergara. McCloud, Monks, and Vergara join an ensemble that includes Dakota Fanning, Abby Elliot, Jake Lacy, Sophia Lillis, Jay Ellis, Michael Peña, and Thomas Cocquerel.
The series, an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Andrea Mara, opens with a terrifying situation that unravels the deep secrets of a community. The story centers on Marissa Irvine, who arrives at an unfamiliar address to pick up her young son, Milo, from a playdate. However, the woman who answers the door is neither a mother nor a nanny, and Milo is nowhere to be found, marking the beginning of every parent’s worst nightmare.
All Her Fault is produced by Carnival Films in association with Matchbox Pictures for Peacock. The 8-part drama series will be filmed in Melbourne, Australia.
US TV News, Peacock, All Her Fault, Streaming