A&E’s hit series Hoarders returns with a brand new episode titled “Lori” on Monday, March 4, 2024 at 8:00 PM. In this compelling reality show focused on health and personal profiles, we meet Lori, a mother who seeks help from the experts to confront her hoarding tendencies for the sake of her son.
After her hoarding tendencies led to the end of her relationship with her son’s father, Lori turned to online shopping as a means of comfort. Now, she recognizes the need for intervention and turns to professionals in hopes of gaining control over her compulsion.
Hoarders takes viewers into the lives of individuals struggling with hoarding disorders and showcases their journey towards recovery. By shedding light on this often misunderstood disorder, the show aims to raise awareness and provide valuable insights into the challenges faced by those dealing with hoarding tendencies.
Tune in to A&E on Monday March 4th at 8:00 PM as Hoarders continues its impactful exploration of personal stories and offers hope for individuals like Lori who are ready to tackle their cluttered homes and reclaim their lives.