Channel 5 has announced the return of its popular series, All Creatures Great and Small, set to premiere its fifth season on Thursday, September 19, 2024. This modern adaptation of the classic story continues to bring the adventures of James Herriot and the Skeldale family to life, set in the Yorkshire Dales during the 1940s.
As the series resumes, James Herriot, played by Nicholas Ralph, is away with the RAF, while his wife, Helen, portrayed by Rachel Shenton, manages their home with their new baby. The will also see the return of Tristan Farnon, played by Callum Woodhouse, now serving in the Royal Army Veterinary Corps.
The cast features Samuel West as Siegfried Farnon, Anna Madeley as Mrs. Hall, James Anthony-Rose as Richard Carmody, Patricia Hodge as the iconic Mrs. Pumphrey, and her beloved Pekingese, Tricki.
All Creatures Great and Small season 5 consists of six episodes, followed by a Christmas Special, leading into the already commissioned sixth season, expected to air in 2025. UK viewers can stream the first four seasons on My5.