In the second episode of this All Creatures fifth season, James (Nicholas Ralph) is dealing with both fatherhood and his veterinary duties with baby Jimmy in tow. While James gains confidence with his newborn, Helen (Rachel Shenton) spends the day in Heston, observing Jenny’s growing independence and her newfound friendship with land girl, Doris. Tensions arise between Siegfried (Samuel West) and Mr. Bosworth over safety measures, leaving Mrs. Hall (Anna Madeley) caught in the middle.
On their veterinary rounds, James and Carmody (James Anthony-Rose) find that baby Jimmy is a hit with the farmers. However, James’ focus is tested when they reach Dowson’s farm.
Meanwhile, Jenny, eager for adventure, ignores Helen’s advice and takes the horses out, leading to significant consequences. This prompts a heart-to-heart between Helen and Jenny, where Helen comes to terms with Jenny’s maturity and need for exploration beyond the farm.
Elsewhere, Mrs. Hall and Siegfried encounter a poisoned dog and work together to unravel the mystery.
All Creatures Great and Small Season 5 Episode 2 airs Thursday, 26 September 2024, at 9:00 pm on Channel 5.