In Uninvited Guests, the fourth episode of this new run of All Creatures, Tristan (Callum Woodhouse) returns to Skeldale, but his bed and brother have been taken over by Carmody (James Anthony-Rose). Mrs. Hall (Anna Madeley) intervenes and sends the boys to Pumphrey Manor after a report of an escaped animal.
James (Nicholas Ralph) is called to treat a sick cow for Sid Crabtree but struggles and bristles at the postman’s suggestion of a traditional Dales method.
Tristan connects with Mrs. Pumphrey, who is struggling to share her home, and he finally makes peace with Carmody. Meanwhile, James confides in Helen (Rachel Shenton) about something he’s been keeping to himself.
All Creatures Great and Small: Season 5 Episode 4 airs on Channel 5 at 9:00 PM on Thursday, 10 October 2024.