In the eighth episode of Ambulance: Code Red’s third season, paramedics face intense emergencies that require swift action and expert care. Paramedics Grant Salsby and Sarah Folley race to the scene of a car crash, where a man has collapsed at the wheel.
Meanwhile, Fay Pollock and Dr. Stef Cowan tend to a 72-year-old patient who has suffered a fall from a ladder, resulting in an open fracture and a concerning absence of pulse in his foot. The pressure is on for the team to act quickly and effectively.
Elsewhere, Peter Bowles and Dr. Andy Mockridge are dispatched to assist a 22-year-old experiencing a prolonged epileptic seizure. The young patient’s condition presents a challenging and time-sensitive situation that demands the paramedics’ full attention and expertise.
Ambulance: Code Red Season 3 Episode 8 airs Monday, 26 August 2024, at 9:00 pm on 5STAR.