America’s Backyard Gold, April 26, 2024, Discovery Channel, “Rocky Mountain Nugget Fever”

America's Backyard Gold

In this episode of America’s Backyard Gold, host Dave Turin journeys to the former Idaho Territory, encompassing Idaho and Montana, where gold still abounds. Turin, a mining expert known for his work on Gold Rush, showcases how everyday miners employ innovative strategies to access this valuable resource.

The episode, “Rocky Mountain Nugget Fever,” explores the enduring allure of gold and the determination of those seeking their fortune. Turin, a former member of the Hoffman Crew on Gold Rush, brings his extensive knowledge and experience to guide viewers and amateur prospectors alike.

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The Discovery Channel series follows Turin as he travels across the United States, visiting unexplored gold regions and helping ordinary people discover hidden gold deposits. In this episode, he returns to the Gem State, where the former Idaho Territory continues to yield significant amounts of gold.

Idaho has attracted renewed interest from newcomers to the mining business, drawn by the high price of gold and favorable conditions created by recent Pacific storms and floods. Turin advises that understanding the terrain and knowing where and how to look are crucial to successful prospecting.

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With gold prices at an all-time high and an estimated $3 trillion of gold still undiscovered in America, the race to strike it rich is on.

America’s Backyard Gold airs on the Discovery Channel at 9.01 pm on Friday, April 26, 2024.

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