Ancient Aliens: The Linda Moulton Howe Files (History, Friday, August 30, 2024)

Ancient Aliens

Ancient Aliens examines the decades-long career of award-winning journalist Linda Moulton Howe, who has dedicated her life to investigating mysterious phenomena. The episode, airing on the History channel on Friday night, explores her extensive body of work, including her probes into unusual animal deaths, crop formations, and alleged alien abductions.

Howe’s investigations have taken her on a journey to uncover potential evidence of extraterrestrial existence and its impact on human history. From examining bizarre animal deaths and their possible otherworldly causes to exploring the enigmatic crop formations that have baffled scientists and scholars.

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The episode also looks at Howe’s interest in alien abductions, a phenomenon that has sparked curiosity and debate worldwide. Through her research and interviews with purported experiencers, Howe presents a detailed account of the abduction phenomenon, inviting audiences to consider the broader implications and our understanding of the universe.

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Ancient Aliens: The Linda Moulton Howe Files airs on Friday, August 30, 2024, at 9:00 p.m. on the History channel.

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