Apple TV+ has announced the renewal of the thriller series Criminal Record for a second season. The show stars Peter Capaldi as Detective Chief Inspector Daniel Hegarty and Cush Jumbo as Detective Sergeant June Lenker, with the new season set in the heart of contemporary London.
In the upcoming season, June Lenker finds herself as the senior officer responding to a violent clash between a political rally and far-right counter-protesters, which leaves a young man dead. Consumed by guilt, June strives to bring the unknown killer to justice. She turns to Daniel Hegarty, now an influential figure in police intelligence, who may have the answers she seeks. However, his help comes at a dangerous cost.
The show is produced for Apple TV+ by Tod Productions and STV Studios, with Elaine Collins and Chris Sussman joining Paul Rutman, Peter Capaldi, and Cush Jumbo as executive producers for the second season.