The schadenfreude is strong with this one. As the dust settles on the Austrian Alps and the first casualty of Lord Sugar’s boardroom emerges, blinking, into the spotlight, “The Apprentice: You’re Fired” returns to dissect the week’s events with its trademark blend of wit and insightful commentary. Host Tom Allen, ever the master of the pointed quip, is joined by the freshly ejected candidate for a post-mortem of their Alpine misadventures.
This episode pulls back the curtain on the “Austria Tours” task, revealing the unseen footage and behind-the-scenes drama that led to one hopeful’s early departure. Expect candid confessions, justifications that wouldn’t convince a five-year-old, and perhaps a glimmer of regret (or maybe just simmering resentment).
Allen’s sharp wit and gentle prodding will unearth the truth behind the boardroom showdown, while a panel of celebrity “Apprentice” aficionados offers their own take on the week’s events. Expect some serious armchair quarterbacking, a healthy dose of humor, and perhaps even a few insightful observations. Did the right candidate get fired? Was Lord Sugar too harsh? Did that ill-advised negotiation tactic truly warrant such swift dismissal? All these questions and more will be explored.
“The Apprentice: You’re Fired” airs Thursday, January 30, 2025, at 10:00 PM on BBC Two.