BBC Two presents a special episode of At the BBC, celebrating the iconic musician Sting and his former band, The Police. Airing on Saturday, 7 September 2024, this episode takes audiences on a journey through the band’s illustrious career and Sting’s subsequent solo success.
The late 1970s to the mid-1980s marked a period of immense international success for The Police, with Sting, Andy Summers, and Stewart Copeland dominating the charts and selling out concerts worldwide. After their separation in 1986, Sting continued to thrive as a solo artist, establishing himself as one of the UK’s most respected singer-songwriters.
This episode dips into the BBC’s archives to present the best of both careers. There will be memorable performances of timeless hits such as “Roxanne,” “Fragile,” “Message in a Bottle,” “Brand New Day,” and “Every Breath You Take.”
Sting and the Police At the BBC airs on Saturday, 7 September 2024, at 11:30 PM on BBC Two.