Atlantis: The Discovery with Dan Snow, 24 March, Channel 5

Channel 5

Prepare to embark on an intriguing journey as Channel 5 presents a brand new episode of “Atlantis: The Discovery with Dan Snow.” This documentary airs on Sunday 24 March 2024 at 9.00pm.

Dan Snow, known for his passion for history and exploration, takes us to Greece in search of the truth behind the legendary city of Atlantis. For over two millennia, this incredible tale has fascinated and captured our imagination. But did this mythical city truly exist? Dan sets out to uncover any possible evidence that could shed light on its existence.

Throughout the episode, Dan explores real ancient cities that met their demise due to natural calamities such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis. Could these catastrophic events have provided the inspiration for the Atlantis story?

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As part of his quest for answers, Dan dons scuba gear and ventures beneath the waves to swim through the streets of Pavlopetri—a sunken city that offers tantalising clues. He also visits Knossos on Crete, where he walks through the majestic ruins of a lost royal palace. With stories involving wine and bull worship echoing those associated with Atlantis, it’s a compelling connection to explore.

Further along his journey, Dan discovers Akrotiri—an enchanting painted town tragically engulfed by a volcanic eruption. Its destruction draws parallels to Plato’s account of Atlantis vanishing in a cataclysmic event.

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Lastly, our intrepid explorer delves into exciting new findings surrounding Helike—a coastal city wiped out shortly before tales of Atlantis emerged. Could Helike have played a role in inspiring this enduring legend?

Join Dan Snow as he uncovers secrets hidden beneath layers of time and mythology in “Atlantis: The Discovery.” Don’t miss this thought-provoking exploration into one of history’s most enigmatic mysteries.

Isabelle aka Izzy Jacobs is the UK previews specialist at Isabelle is particularly drawn to crime dramas, but she also has a not so secret love for all things reality TV. In addition to her work at, Isabelle is also an avid traveler and a devoted foodie.