The BBC has added the Australian mystery thriller High Country to its lineup. This eight-part series, inspired by true events, centres on Detective Andrea “Andie” Whitford and her gripping investigation in the Victorian High Country. Created by Wentworth writer Marcia Gardner, High Country stars Leah Purcell, Ian McElhinney, Sara Wiseman, and Aaron Pedersen.
The story unfolds as five individuals go missing in the rugged wilderness, leading Detective Whitford to unravel a web of murder, deceit, and revenge. With its unique setting and atmospheric tension, High Country offers a fresh take on the Australian rural noir genre.
Leah Purcell, who is known for her roles in The Proposition and Mystic, takes on the lead role of Detective Whitford. She is joined by Ian McElhinney of Game of Thrones fame, Sara Wiseman from Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, and Aaron Pedersen, who starred in Mystery Road.
Originally airing on Showcase and the streaming service Binge, High Country has now found a new home with the BBC. Sue Deeks, the BBC’s Head of Programme Acquisition, expressed her enthusiasm, praising the series for its “eerie setting and tense atmosphere” and its ability to offer a “gripping new take on Australian rural noir.”
High Country will air soon on BBC and BBC iPlayer.