In the upcoming episode of Average Joe, titled “Green and Blue,” Joe’s quest to locate the missing cash takes a decidedly more clandestine turn. With the police still sniffing around his property, our increasingly desperate protagonist must resort to some seriously risky maneuvers. This week’s installment sees Joe attempting a covert infiltration of his own home, a plan that’s about as foolproof as a chocolate teapot.
While Joe plays house ninja, Cathy and Touch engage in a bit of amateur theatrics, concocting a diversion designed to draw the ever-vigilant eyes of law enforcement away from the main event. Whether their ruse is convincing enough to fool the authorities is, of course, another story entirely. Let’s just say their combined acting skills might be better suited to a community theater production than a high-stakes police standoff.
“Green and Blue” looks set to crank up the tension another notch, leaving viewers to wonder if Joe will finally uncover his hidden treasure or if his increasingly desperate measures will land him in even hotter water. Tune in to BET at 10:00 PM on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, to see if Joe can pull off his risky scheme.