Lisa Millar ventures to Kurri Kurri, an old mining town in eastern New South Wales, for an insightful episode of Back Roads. Amidst changes, the town is determined to preserve its small-town identity, and an unexpected hairstyle is playing a pivotal role in this endeavour.
Kurri Kurri takes pride in its working-class roots, with its walls adorned by vibrant murals honouring its coal mining heritage. However, the closure of the local aluminium smelter in 2012 dealt a significant blow, leaving five hundred residents without employment. The town continued to face challenges even years later.
In this episode, Lisa meets Laura Johnson, a local hairdresser turned publican, who took it upon herself to bring joy back to the community. Over drinks, Laura conceived the idea for a unique competition centred around the much-discussed “bogan” haircut—the mullet.
What started as a local initiative quickly gained traction beyond Kurri Kurri. In 2018, participants travelled interstate and even stayed overnight to take part in the inaugural competition. Today, Laura organises events across Australia to find the nation’s finest mullet. The grand final, held near Kurri Kurri, attracts global media attention, and it’s not just about the hairstyle—it’s about the attitude and the ability to “shake it”!
Moreover, Mulletfest serves a deeper purpose. It raises funds and awareness for brain cancer research, supported by Mark Hughes, a former rugby league star and Kurri Kurri local. Diagnosed with brain cancer in 2013, Mark founded a charity dedicated to finding a cure. He commends Laura’s initiative, embodying the resilient spirit of Kurri Kurri.
Back Roads: Kurri Kurri, NSW airs on ABC Australia at 8.00 pm on Tuesday, 3 September 2024.