Roo Irvine hosts a special episode of Bargain Hunt, focusing on tiny antiques and collectibles. The show takes place in Glasgow, a city renowned for its art nouveau architecture. Irvine begins by exploring the University of Glasgow’s collection of miniature books, including a minuscule Bible and a 17th-century text with a handwritten warning.
The episode also features a local photographer who crafts exquisite replicas of Glasgow’s cafes and pubs in miniature, complete with tiny punters. Irvine then introduces six teams who will attempt to turn a profit at auction with some of the smallest bargains from the show’s archive.
Irvine counts down a chart of the best itsy-bitsy buys from past episodes, revealing how much profit they made.
Bargain Hunt: Tiny Treasures Special airs on BBC One on Monday, 26 August 2024, at 12:15 pm.