The BBC has announced a new six-part sitcom, Can You Keep a Secret?, for BBC iPlayer and BBC One. The series will star comedy icons Dawn French and Mark Heap and is created by Simon Mayhew-Archer, known for This Country and Josh. This project was revealed by Jon Petrie, Director of BBC Comedy, at the Edinburgh TV Festival.
Can You Keep a Secret? focuses on the Fenton family and their unusual dynamics. French portrays Debbie Fenton, a widow and lawn bowling enthusiast, who will go to great lengths to protect her family. Mark Heap plays her husband, William.
The story takes a turn when William unexpectedly passes away, leading Debbie to make a decision that will impact her family. However, in a surprising twist, William isn’t actually dead. The couple fakes William’s death to claim life insurance, in a bid to ensure funds for their retirement.
Their son, Harry, becomes entangled in this deception while also dealing with his personal life. Harry deals with a criminal enterprise and the unexpected return of his father, discovering his parents’ secrets.
Can You Keep a Secret? is a Big Talk Studios, Mayhay Studios, and CBS Studios co-production for BBC iPlayer and BBC One. Executive producers are Kenton Allen and Simon Mayhew-Archer, and producers are Lauriel Martin and Joe Scantlebury. The series is written and created by Simon Mayhew-Archer, with Tanya Qureshi as the commissioning editor for the BBC.