The BBC has announced a one-off celebrity special of the popular game show ‘Gladiators’, with four famous faces set to take on the challenge. Stand-up comedian Rob Beckett, TV presenter and triathlete Louise Minchin, presenter and comedian Joel Dommett, and Ted Lasso star Ellie Taylor will compete in a series of physical events, testing their speed and strength.
Rob Beckett expressed his anticipation, stating that he expects to be “absolutely crushed” by the Gladiators while his family watches. Despite his nerves, Beckett is excited to participate, even joking about the potential for humiliation.
Louise Minchin, an avid fan of the show, shared her enthusiasm for being a part of it. Joel Dommett, similarly thrilled, said “I can’t believe I’m taking part in Gladiators! It’s always been my dream to be on that travelator”. Ellie Taylor, a self-proclaimed fan, joked about her participation being an elaborate plan to get her five-year-old a foam finger.
The special episode will feature the celebrities going head-to-head with the formidable Gladiators, including Sabre, Legend, Nitro, Diamond, Phantom, Athena, Bionic, Fire, Giant, Dynamite, Viper, Electro, Apollo, Comet, Steel, and Fury. The first series, hosted by Bradley and Barney Walsh, introduced these Gladiators, who gained recognition for their impressive skills and entertaining personas.
The show attracted high viewership, with 9.8 million people tuning in for the first episode and an average of 8.3 million viewers per episode.
More details about the broadcast will be announced soon, including the air date and any additional celebrity participants.