BBC Arts introduces a biographical series that provides a unique perspective on the life of Elizabeth Taylor. Through personal recordings and interviews with her inner circle, the series uncovers Taylor’s extraordinary journey as an actress, a free-spirited individual, a successful entrepreneur, and a dedicated activist.
Sharon Stone, connected to Taylor through their shared HIV/AIDS advocacy, offers an intimate glimpse into Taylor’s acting abilities and their shared experiences within the Hollywood system. Stone fondly reminisces about Taylor’s support during challenging times.
Paris Jackson, Taylor’s goddaughter, follows in her godmother’s footsteps with her own activism. Jackson, who was 12 when Taylor passed away, admires Taylor’s trailblazing spirit and her bold approach to life.
The series features conversations with Taylor’s family and close associates, including her son Chris Wilding, granddaughter Naomi Wilding, stepson Todd Fisher, and daughter-in-law Aileen Getty, offering a deeper understanding of Taylor’s life.
Additional insights are provided by Taylor’s publicist Sally Morrison, Bill Misenhimer from AIDS Project Los Angeles, photographer Gianni Bozzacchi, stylist and friend Jorjett Strumme, hair stylist José Eber, and author Kate Andersen Brower, who authored Taylor’s biography.
Previously announced contributors include Kim Kardashian, Dame Joan Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, who joined forces with Taylor in the fight against AIDS.
Executive produced by Kari Lia, Hamish Fergusson, and Kim Kardashian, the series explores Taylor’s life, highlighting her defiance of societal norms and the impact this had on her personal journey.
Produced by Passion Pictures for BBC Arts, “Elizabeth Taylor: Rebel Superstar” is distributed internationally by Fremantle.
Directed by James House, produced by Jemma Chisnall, and produced/directed by Caroline Sciama, the series is scheduled to premiere on BBC Two and BBC iPlayer this autumn.