The BBC has announced a new two-part documentary series, Signs for Living with Rose Ayling-Ellis, produced by the multi-award-winning Rogan Productions. This follows their successful collaboration on the award-winning documentary Rose Ayling-Ellis: Signs for Change, which earned Ayling-Ellis a nomination at the Grierson 2024 British Documentary Awards.
The series will air on BBC One and iPlayer, with Ayling-Ellis taking viewers on a journey as she highlights hearing loss among older individuals. With an estimated 75% of older people experiencing hearing loss, a figure projected to rise to 80% by 2032, Ayling-Ellis aims to emphasise the impact on health and well-being and promote British Sign Language (BSL).
Across the two episodes, Ayling-Ellis will work with a group of older individuals at the Hughenden Gardens Retirement Village, challenging them to learn BSL. The series will capture the joys and challenges of this endeavour, presenting the power of communication and community. The residents, some in their 90s, will be guided by Deaf tutors, breaking stereotypes and proving that learning is ageless.
The series will also include uplifting moments, such as interactions between the older students and deaf children, a Deaf Rave offering a unique musical experience, and a visit from the Deaf Chefs. These encounters aim to draw attention to the lack of provision for the Deaf community, especially in later life, and highlight how BSL can enhance the quality of life for those with hearing loss.
Signs for Living with Rose Ayling-Ellis is produced by Rogan Productions for BBC One and iPlayer. The series was commissioned by Clare Sillery, Head of Commissioning, Documentaries, for the BBC. The executive producers are Teresa Watkins, James Rogan, and Soleta Rogan, and the series producer is Camilla Arnold.