BBC Three has commissioned a new documentary series led by Zara McDermott, which will examine the far-reaching impact of stalking. The two-part series will follow McDermott as she interacts with victims, witnessing firsthand the emotional and physical toll of stalking. The series will also examine the process victims undergo when reporting incidents to the police and the challenges faced within the justice system.
Stalking, particularly among young adults, has become a growing concern, with the National Stalking Helpline reporting a 47 percent rise in requests for support. A 2023 study by The Suzy Lamplugh Trust found that one in five young people in the UK have experienced stalking or harassment, with 1 in 10 facing it online. The series will explore various stalking methods, from online tracking to in-person encounters, highlighting the evolving nature of this crime in the digital age.
Over the 10-month filming period, McDermott will observe the psychological, social, and practical effects of stalking on those targeted. The series will also feature interactions with police forces, scrutinizing how stalking reports are handled and why conviction rates remain low.
Produced by Chatterbox, Zara McDermott: Stalked (working title) is executive produced by Nav Raman and Ali Quirk. Series Director is Leo Machado, and producer is Irene Carter. The series was commissioned by Nasfim Haque and Clare Sillery, with Fran Baker serving as Commissioning Editor.