BBC Two introduces the upcoming comedy-drama series ‘We Might Regret This,’ inspired by the lives and experiences of its creators, Kyla Harris and Lee Getty. The series is produced by Roughcut TV, known for their work on ‘Big Boys,’ ‘People Just Do Nothing,’ and ‘Stath Lets Flats.’
‘We Might Regret This’ will premiere on Monday, 19 August, at 10 p.m. on BBC Two, with all episodes also available on BBC iPlayer. The cast includes Kyla Harris as Freya, Darren Boyd as Abe, and Elena Saurel as Jo.
The series focuses on a new relationship, an upcoming blended family, and a strong female friendship. Freya, a 30-something Canadian artist and tetraplegic, moves to London for Abe, a 50-something conventional lawyer open to new experiences. Their relationship progresses quickly, with Abe inviting Freya to move into his house before she even explores the upstairs.
Due to Freya’s disability, personal assistants (PAs) are a constant presence, witnessing every romantic moment and domestic argument. When Freya struggles to find the right person for this intimate role, she invites her impulsive best friend, Jo, to take on the job.