The BBC has released the trailer for its upcoming real-time thriller, “Nightsleeper,” which will air on Sunday, September 15, with all episodes available on BBC iPlayer from 6 a.m. The series will also broadcast on BBC One on Sunday and Monday nights across three weeks, starting at 9 p.m.
Starring Alexandra Roach and Joe Cole, this six-part series follows a train journey from Glasgow to London that takes an unexpected turn when it is ‘hackjacked.’ The story becomes a fast-paced, twist-filled adventure as passengers Joe Roag (Cole) and Abby Aysgarth (Roach), an off-duty police officer and the acting technical director at the National Cyber Security Centre, attempt to stop the train and identify the culprit.
“Nightsleeper” is a blend of action and mystery, featuring a cast that includes Alex Ferns, Sharon Small, James Cosmo, David Threlfall, Daniel Cahill, Lois Chimimba, Gabriel Howell, Katie Leung, Leah MacRae, Ruth Madeley, Adam Mitchell, Pamela Nomvete, Scott Reid, Sharon Rooney, and Parth Thakerar.
“Nightsleeper” is a six-part series produced by Euston Films for the BBC. It is executive produced by Kate Harwood, Nick Leather, Jamie Magnus Stone, and Gaynor Holmes. Directed by Jamie Magnus Stone and John Hayes, the series is created and written by Nick Leather and Laura Grace, with Jonathan Curling as producer and Daisy Costello as co-producer. Fremantle handles global distribution.