The BBC has announced that its school drama series Waterloo Road will premiere a new season on Tuesday 10 September 2024. The season will be available to stream on BBC iPlayer from 6 am, with the first episode airing on BBC One at 9 pm the same day.
This season marks the fourth since the show’s revival in 2023 and introduces significant changes. The school now has academy status, and there is a new building.
Heading the cast is Jason Manford, playing the charismatic headteacher Steve Savage. He is joined by Saira Choudhry as rule-bending Maths teacher Nisha Chandra, and Olly Rhodes as Billy Savage, Steve’s son, who impresses with his intelligence and charm.
New students include Nathan Wood as Boz Osbourne, a street-wise individual with a difficult past, and Matthew Khan as Jared Jones, a charming pupil. Danny Murphy plays Luca Smith, a deaf student with a strong sense of self. Sonya Nisa and Miya Ocego portray Aleena Quereshi and Lois Taylor-Brown, respectively, who form a duo with Stacey Neville.
Returning cast members include Adam Thomas, Hollie-Jay Bowes, James Baxter, Jo Coffey, Katherine Pearce, Kym Marsh, and Rachel Leskovac, reprising their roles as teachers and parents. Popular student characters such as Mollie “Mog” Richardson, Kelly-Jo Rafferty, Shola Aku, and Libby Guthrie will also return, continuing to explore their journeys at Waterloo Road.
The BBC has demonstrated its faith in the series by commissioning two more seasons, guaranteeing new episodes until 2026 and bringing the total number of episodes in this era to 54.
The series is produced in Greater Manchester by Wall to Wall, in co-production with Rope Ladder Fiction. Executive producers include Cameron Roach, Leanne Klein, Gaynor Holmes, and Jo McClellan.