In the latest episode of BBQ Brawl, titled “I Do ‘Cue,” team captains Bobby Flay, Sunny Anderson, and Michael Voltaggio present a unique challenge to the semi-finalists.
A soon-to-be bride and groom serve as special clients, and the Brawlers aim to impress them with a cocktail hour appetizer and a reception dinner. If they succeed, a ticket to the finale awaits.
The episode, airing on Food Network on Monday, September 2, 2024, at 9:00 p.m., sees the semi-finalists having to create delicious dishes to satisfy the tastes of the happy couple and secure their chance to advance in the competition.
With the finale within reach the semi-finalists must balance taste, presentation, and the wishes of the bride and groom to earn their approval.
BBQ Brawl: I Do ‘Cue airs Monday, September 2, 2024, at 9:00 p.m. on Food Network.