In Friday night’s episode of Bering Sea Gold, titled “Nome Alone,” Chris McCully finds himself in a challenging situation as he embarks on an unprecedented winter solo dive without a tender, left out in the cold by his crew. Is McCully being brave or foolhardy though?
Meanwhile,the Kelly family is enjoying a run of good fortune, but their luck may be about to change. One of their divers starts to experience equipment failures, which, in the frigid waters off the coast of Nome, Alaska, could prove catastrophic. With their equipment falling apart, the diver is at risk of hypothermia, a potentially life-threatening condition.
Will McCully’s gamble pay off, or will he pay the ultimate price for his daring endeavor? Will the Kellys be able to rescue their diver and avoid a tragic outcome?
Bering Sea Gold: Nome Alone airs on Discovery, Friday, September 6, 2024, at 9:01 p.m.