The second episode of the five-part crime thriller ‘Better’ on ABC Australia delves into the complex dynamics between Lou and Col, two police officers with a shared history. Lou, a junior officer, finds herself under suspicion when she fails to alert Col about an impending raid. This incident raises questions about her loyalty, especially as she had previously reminded Col of their equal partnership and her commitment to protecting his organization.
In the present timeline, Lou’s actions prompt Col and his crew to consider testing her loyalty. Meanwhile, in a flashback to 2004, we see Lou and Col’s initial encounter, where they establish a professional relationship. The episode also introduces Bulgey and Artem, who visit Jade Wilkes to confirm if she disclosed Noel’s safehouse location.
At home, Lou contemplates quitting the police force, which would financially depend on her partner Ceri’s construction business. Ceri, understanding the situation, agrees to support Lou’s decision. However, Sandy, who had hoped to establish a task force to target Col, expresses disappointment upon learning of Lou’s potential departure.
The episode also explores Owen’s return home from the hospital and his adjustment to a new normal. He attends a support group, where he meets Donal, sent by Col, and introduces himself with a pseudonym. Lou, in her pursuit of understanding, tracks down a former detective, her father’s old colleague, who was dismissed for corruption in the early 1990s. She discovers that he confessed to avoid harsher consequences, choosing a life of solitude and squalor.
Lou and Esther also make a startling discovery during the raid.
Better, Series 1, Episode 2 of 5, airs on Sunday, 22 September 2024, at 9.20 pm on ABC Australia. All episodes are available to stream on ABC iview.