The History Channel’s Beyond Skinwalker Ranch returns with a new episode titled “Tumbleweeds and UAPs.” Airing on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at 10:03 PM, this installment takes Andy and Paul on an investigative journey to a remote Southern California desert. Local legends speak of an entity known as Goldie, and the team sets out to separate fact from fiction.
In this episode, Andy and Paul venture into a desert region of Southern California, where they explore local lore about an entity called Goldie.
They discover that there is scientific evidence to support these stories, indicating that there may be more to them than mere folklore. However, their investigation also uncovers signs that other entities may not want these stories to come to light.
Beyond Skinwalker Ranch: ‘Tumbleweeds and UAPs’ airs on the History Channel on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at 10:03 PM.