Tensions rose in the Big Brother house on Sunday night on CBS as the game intensified, and houseguests scrambled for position. The group called the Pentagon alliance, including Chelsie, Cam, Brooklyn, and Quinn, found themselves vulnerable after losing a member, Cedric, in an unexpected eviction. The trust within the alliance was tested when Quinn shared their secret with another group.
The remaining Pentagon members felt exposed and targeted by other houseguests. They aimed to regain control by winning the Head of Household (HOH) competition. Brooklyn, in particular, felt her game plan was ignored and doubted her allies’ trust.
Meanwhile, Quinn, feeling vulnerable, sought support from another alliance but was met with a lack of votes and strategy-sharing. This left him uncertain about his game standing.
The HOH competition tested endurance, and Tucker emerged victorious, gaining power and ensuring his alliance’s safety. Quinn’s loss dealt a blow, knowing Tucker could nominate him for eviction.
Tucker’s win shifted the house dynamics. He nominated Quinn, Cam, and surprisingly, Brooklyn, despite their honesty. Chelsie was a potential replacement nominee. As Tucker settled into his role, the Pentagon alliance faced an uncertain future, exposed and at risk.
The Season 26 Episode 16 episode of Big Brother aired on Sunday Night on CBS.