The documentary series Big Cats, Small World premieres on Sky Nature on Sunday, 1 September 2024, at 7 pm. The first episode, “Summer Cubs,” focuses on the lives of two mothers, cheetah Phefo and lion Tshaba, as they deal with the challenges of raising their cubs in the wild.
While cheetah mum Phefo teaches her cubs survival skills, she must also protect them from the dangers posed by the big male cats roaming the Gomoti River region. Lion mum Tshaba faces similar challenges as she keeps a watchful eye on her cubs, ensuring their safety in a landscape filled with potential threats.
The episode also features the formidable lion king, Molelo, who finds himself in a battle. It’s a constant struggle for dominance in the wild. Meanwhile, leopard Senatia is on a mission to secure his legacy.
Big Cats, Small World: Summer Cubs airs on Sky Nature on Sunday, 1 September 2024, at 7 pm.