In the second installment of this three-part true-crime documentary, the mystery surrounding Julian Webb’s death deepens. Authorities grow increasingly suspicious of the circumstances, casting doubt on Dena’s account of events.
Meanwhile, Lee Wyatt, who has been on the run for four years, believing he was targeted by the Irish mafia, starts to realize that he has fallen victim to his wife’s manipulative tactics.
The episode looks into Lee and Dena’s marriage, revealing a disturbing pattern of tragedy and coercion. It is only years later that Lee is able to fully grasp the extent of Dena’s manipulation and her efforts to isolate him from others.
As the police continue their investigation, the truth about Julian’s death and Dena’s role in it comes into sharper focus. The episode features interviews with those closest to the case.
Black Widow: Part 2 of 3 airs on Sky Documentaries on Sunday, 22 September 2024, at 9.00 PM.