The Blue Peter team, consisting of Abby, Joel, and Shini, embarks on an exciting adventure at Edinburgh Zoo in this episode. They explore the diverse attractions that are accessible for free with a Blue Peter badge, offering an insightful look into the world of giraffes, penguins, and rhinos.
Abby, Joel, and Shini begin their day by finding out what’s on the menu for the zoo’s giraffes. They weigh in on the importance of precise measurements and a balanced diet for these long-necked creatures. The team then shifts their focus to the adorable baby penguins, where they learn about the challenges of caring for these tiny birds and the precise measurements required for their meals.
Taking on the role of rhino keepers, Abby, Joel, and Shini dive into the world of these majestic creatures. They look at the responsibilities of maintaining their habitat and ensuring their well-being.
The trio also takes on the challenge of presenting a captivating birds-of-prey display.
Blue Peter: Blue Peter at the Zoo airs on CBBC at 5:00 pm on Friday, 9 August 2024.