The hallowed halls of St. Gilbert’s are about to get a whole lot more stressful. Boarders returns to BBC Three for its second season on Monday, February 3 at 9:00 PM, and headmistress Carol isn’t pulling any punches. Two of the five coveted scholarships are about to be revoked, upping the ante and ratcheting up the pressure on the already stressed-out students.
Jaheim, never one to have an easy time, finds himself juggling academic expectations with complicated situations at home and with Beatrix. Omar, ever the enigma, is tangled in a web of secrets, while Leah makes a new connection with a girl named Devonyé. Femi, buckling under the pressure, turns to Toby for support, but with Abby now in the picture, his lifeline might be a little preoccupied.
Boarders season two premieres Monday, February 3 at 9:00 PM on BBC Three.