Thriller The Book Club Murders premieres on Thursday night on LMN. The story follows Natalie Johnson, who, after experiencing a devastating fire that took her home and claimed her husband’s life, as well as the disappearance of her daughter Gwen’s best friend, takes a step towards rebuilding her life by joining a book club.
However, Natalie soon discovers that the book club harbors dark secrets. Its members start receiving threatening letters that expose their deepest secrets, and the situation turns deadly as they begin to fall victim to mysterious circumstances.
With the knowledge that her daughter is the intended next target, Natalie frantically searches for the person behind the letters, known only by the pseudonym “Aletheia.”
Starring Brittany Underwood and Eva Igo.
The Book Club Murders will air on LMN on Thursday, October 3, 2024, at 8:00 p.m.