The true-crime documentary series Born Evil: The Serial Killer and the Savior continues on Investigation Discovery with three new episodes airing back-to-back on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, starting at 9:00 PM.
In “Lady of the Dunes,” detectives take Hadden and Jesus on road trips to uncover bodies and clues, aiming to keep Hadden behind bars for good. News of Jesus’ fate surfaces, while Hadden taunts investigators with the extent of his cold cases.
“Bradfield” delves into an intense interrogation by detectives, and Hadden’s admissions take a toll on Jesus. The dark history of the Clark family comes to light, including childhood abuse and brother Bradfield’s office romance, which takes a shocking turn.
In “Kristen E. Bluefin,” Jesus’ crime is exposed, and investigators work with him to extract more information from Hadden, leading to potential unsolved crimes and the involvement of an unexpected partner in crime.
Born Evil: The Serial Killer and the Savior episodes “Lady of the Dunes,” “Bradfield,” and “Kristen E. Bluefin” air Wednesday, September 4, 2024, starting at 9:00 PM on Investigation Discovery.