In an emotional episode titled “Lip Loss,” Botched explores the stories of individuals seeking help after devastating cosmetic procedures. Airing on E! at 10:00 PM on Thursday, March 7,2024, this Season 8 episode features a woman whose lips were severely damaged during infancy when she accidentally ingested acid. Another woman shares her insecurities about dating due to deformed breasts, while a pole dancer seeks assistance for a butt implant procedure gone wrong.
Enter highly accomplished plastic surgeons Dr. Terry Dubrow and Dr. Paul Nassif as they work tirelessly to undo previous botched surgeries and deliver life-changing results for their patients.
Botched provides viewers with unparalleled access to compelling journeys of individuals seeking corrective procedures following unfortunate outcomes. Witness firsthand how Dr. Dubrow and Dr. Nassif navigate intricate cases, utilizing their expertise to restore both physical appearance and emotional well-being.
Join E! on Thursday, March 7th at 10:00 PM ET/PT for “Lip Loss” and discover how compassion meets surgical excellence in this series that empowers individuals by giving them a second chance at beauty.