Bravo is developing a new reality series starring Dorinda Medley, a former cast member of “The Real Housewives of New York City.” The series will revolve around Medley’s iconic Blue Stone Manor estate, which gained fame during her time on “RHONY” and has since become a pop culture landmark. The format would see Medley overseeing a staff as they welcome guests and provide them with a unique hospitality experience.
Medley has further leveraged the recognition of her estate by launching a bourbon brand bearing its name. In 2021, she partnered with Airbnb to offer fans a unique opportunity to book stays at her 1902 Tudor-style home in western Massachusetts.
The estate has also served as a filming location for other reality shows, including “The Real Housewives Ultimates Girls Trip: Ex-Wives Club” and “The Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip: RHONY Legacy.”
Medley joined “RHONY” in season seven and remained a cast member for six seasons. She has since appeared in other “Real Housewives” spinoffs, including “The Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip” and “The Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip: RHONY Legacy.”
Medley is also one of the cast members for the third season of Peacock’s super hit The Traitors.